Consulting for your industrial plant
Consultancy services
for your plant
Do you operate a high-temperature process plant with numerous components, even in different configurations? In the event of an overhaul or conversion, we offer you valuable advice for optimising your plant in advance. Together we will find the ideal solution – economically, energetically and in all technical aspects.
Consultation begins
on site
Good advice is the basis for successful implementation. Our specialists from all areas of plant engineering inspect your plant in general and in detail. Based on our experience in many plants, we determine and analyse process parameters, wear and tear and remaining service life of components and identify potential for improvement.
For example, we determine and optimise the primary air via combustion grates, the flow rates of air and other gases or draw up a combustion calculation.
Based on these findings, we propose a plan for the implementation of identified. We accompany your project from A to Z. Starting with the technical inventory and feasibility study, followed by the selection of suppliers and subcontractors, to project management, installation and commissioning on site, we are at your side to advise you or carry out the work, depending on your preferences.
Our team of experts consists of experienced specialists from all disciplines, such as highly qualified process engineers and experienced project and maintenance managers.
Our approach for ideal solutions
For more energy efficiency: combustion calculation
Topic: Maintaining plant efficiency in the event of changes in waste composition
Waste incineration plants are often confronted with changes in waste composition. Naturally, this has an influence on the incineration; for example, the combustion temperature can change. This often results not only in changes in the energy balance of the plant and thus its efficiency, but also in increased wear and tear and, consequently, increasing maintenance costs. It is therefore advisable to recalculate the combustion process with the new parameters. also if a modification of existing plant components is planned, the combustion calculation helps to determine the influence on combustion in advance.
Solution: Independent combustion calculation
We prepare an independent combustion calculation on the basis of FDBR Guideline RL 7. On this basis, the combustion calculation can be carried out in a comprehensible manner, taking into account the usual losses. The results are the boiler efficiency, the adiabatic combustion temperature, the necessary air quantities as well as the flue gas quantities, oxygen concentration and other parameters. In addition, the current calorific value of the waste can be determined from the process data by means of this method.
Implementation: Optimisation on the basis of the combustion calculation
In the first step, the current process data of the plant are recorded. With the combustion calculation carried out on this basis, the current condition, the status of the combustion and the energy efficiency of the plant are compared with the original design. On that basis, appropriate combustion optimisations can be designed and implemented . Typical examples of these are the adjustment of the total air number, the distribution of primary and secondary air or the settings of the combustion control.
Flow measurement of gases
Topic: Optimisation of flow measurements
Flow measurements for gases assume a uniform flow profile. In existing plants, the flow profiles usually deviate from this, e.g. inlet and outlet sections show some design deficiencies due to plant-specific restrictions. A net flow measurement is used to check existing air or waste gas measurements or to gather data in the absence of process measurements.
Solution: Precise net metering
EnergieLink can carry out accurate net measurements consisting of numerous measuring points in the crosssection. We have the appropriate measuring instruments for temperature, flow and differential pressure measurement as well as the corresponding calculation and evaluation methods for all common ducts and lines.
Implementation: Net metering in collaboration with our customers
We prepare the net measurement to suit the task. This includes:
– Determination of the position of the measuring plane(s), e.g. in a pipeline or duct
– Determination of the number of measurements and measuring points
– Definition of the measuring points and their documentation
– Carrying out of the measurements
– Evaluation of the measurements
Based on the measurements we issue a report that also contains suggestions for optimisation, where appropriate.
Determination of the primary air distribution
Topic: Determination of the primary air distribution
The distribution of the primary air over the combustion grate is one of the most important parameters for an optimum combustion. Due to modifications or due to wear and tear, the actual situation might deviate from the design parameters resulting in an air distribution, which is not longer optimal. Countermeasures must be taken to keep the combustion in an optimal condition.
Solution: Pressure measurement via the grate ash hopper
The distribution of the primary air over the individual grate elements is determined by measuring the pressure in the grate drop-through funnels. This allows important conclusions about the combustion to be drawn and the ideal settings to be determined. By determining the primary air distribution over the entire grate, the combustion is significantly improved, leading to reduced wear and tear and increased reliability
Implementation: Measurement in consultation with the client
We prepare the measurement in close cooperation with our customers. A grate revision is an ideal occasion for a primary air measurement if it can be carried out before and after the revision. The measurement results show how the grate changes its behaviour over the service cycle. Repeating this measurement before the next overhaul can help to make forecasts about grate wear and thus optimise shutdown planning. The measurement also documents the condition of the primary air system, for example the positions of the plug-in discs used for fine adjustment of the air. A final report prepared by EnergieLink includes suggestions for improvement.
Determine key figures - increase energy efficiency
Topic: Proof of energy efficiency
Thermal waste recovery makes a significant contribution to the implementation of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC throughout Europe. Power generation from waste is fostered in that the so-called R1 formula* offers an incentive to contribute to the energy supply for industry and households. Operators must regularly demonstrate compliance with the corresponding key number.
Solution: Determining key figures
EnergieLink has templates available for calculating the R1 ratio according to the EU Directive 2008/98/EC* and experience in the energy optimisation of plants. We analyse and check the combustion parameters on your plant, the combustion control and the water-steam system. With our experience on numerous plants, we can support the plant operator with solution proposals and their implementation.
Implementation: Optimisation measures
The monitored data is used to determine the efficiency ratio of the plant. If this has changed in the course of operation, the reasons for this are determined and appropriate corrections are evaluated. Likewise, possible optimisations and the further procedure are defined, whereby the focus is always on the decisive aspects of costs and feasibility.
*According to EU Directive 2008/98/EC, industrial installations classified as R1 recovery operations must have a minimum R1 factor of 0.6 (permit before 01.01.2009) or 0.65 (permit after 31.12.2008).
Your contact person

Laurent Ludwig
Tel +41 56 511 03 33